TCM for pregnancy

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During pregnancy:

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but not everyone has an easy pregnancy. It is common to experience nausea, giddiness, and occasional bouts of vomiting in the morning. These are symptoms of morning sickness. Morning sickness usually lasts for the first three months of pregnancy, but a handful of individuals continue to experience them after the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, if there is frequent nausea and vomiting profusely until the body becomes dehydrated, or even vomiting right after food, loss of appetite, giddiness and lethargy, it would be a cause for concern.


How can TCM help during pregnancy?


-Acupuncture eases pregnancy symptoms such as:

  • Morning sickness
  • Headaches
  • Lower back and pelvic pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression

Acupuncture during pregnancy is considered safe and has few risks when done properly by a by a trained professional.

***Any health conditions, medications or other issues should be made known to the physician to determine if acupuncture is right for you. It is very important to have a licensed physician and he/she should have extensive experience dealing with pregnant women. You should not be feeling any unusual during or after a session, if you do, please alert your physician immediately.

TCM At Home provides TCM services at your convenience, whether at your home, your office, or any other places where you prefer to receive your TCM treatment. Alternatively, our physician’s also provide TCM treatments at their home. Make an appointment with our TCM physicians today.


TCM herbs can also ease the unpleasant pregnancy symptoms. However, only certain herbs can be used, as others may be toxic for the pregnancy. Some of the herbs that can be used are:

  • Wen Dan Tang for nausea
  • Fu Ling for swelling due to water retention
  • Birds nest toimprove digestion, which may ease morning sickness, bloating and constipation.
  • Zi Su Ye for vomiting and nausea

***It is always best to consult a certified physician when using Chinese herbs during pregnancy as he/she will know which herbs and herbal combinations cannot be used during pregnancy and can also recommend the best remedy based on your constitution.

***Also, if you are taking any kind of Chinese herbs and need to take Western medicine at the same time, do tell your physician, as sometimes, herbs and drugs when consumed together, can be fatal to your body.


Things to do during pregnancy:

  • Reduce stress (can listen to classical music to boost your mood)
  • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins including a reduction in cell phone use to reduce exposure to radiation
  • Have plenty of rest
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Avoid cold food and beverages and raw foods
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol


Check out the prices for our pregnancy treatments.




Things to do after delivery:

  • Avoid all things cold(cold food, drinks, bathing in cold water, air-conditioning etc…)
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Continue to eat healthy foods, including fish
  • Consume herbal supplements


After giving birth, a woman experience a loss of Qi. The mother is therefore weak and is very vulnerable to catching a cold which can easily penetrate deep into the meridians. This could later lead to symptoms such as pain in the muscles or joints. Hence special care should be taken to avoid exposing to cold conditions.

Herbs should be taken to rebuild the Qi and for some who may undergo strong emotional changes after their child is born (postpartum depression), herbs can be taken to help stabilize the emotions.


Check out the prices for pregnancy treatments.


TCM herbs

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