About us
Book an appointmentThe inspiration behind TCM At Home Pte Ltd came about from veteran TCM physician Liau Vui Hon. Physician Liau came out with idea of having TCM home services with a main purpose of attending to the special needs of elderlies that suffer from Stroke and Arthritis, which caused disability of movement. We provide TCM treatments wherever you think its more convenient for you, whether is it at your home, your workplace, your friend’s place or even at the physician’s home. It is a free platform for patients and physicians to connect.
This can help promote TCM services in Singapore and enable TCM services to reach out to more people who needs it.
Vision and Mission
- The service is mainly for:
- handicap Old age
- Stoke patient
- Joint pain patient
- Make TCM service accessible to move people:
- Patient is free to register with us and access to our list of our experienced physicians to make bookings for free.
- Physician that join our team will have access to our TCM system for free. This system allows physicians to manage their patients’ information and prescript medician online.
TCM physician Liau Vui Hon has had many years of experience in the TCM field:
- 2009-2016
Public Free Clinic Society CEO - 1982-1983
Association For Promoting Chinese Medicines 委員 - 1984-1985
Singapore Chinese Medical Studies 財政 - 1986-1997
Singapore Chinese Medical Studies 秘書 - 1998-1999
Association For Promoting Chinese Medicines 正財政 - 2000-2013
Public Free Clinic Society 正秘書 - 2014-2015
Public Free Clinic Society 副財政